Kate Chopin Panel at ALA 2024

The Kate Chopin International Society sponsored a panel at the 2024 American Literature Association conference in Chicago, Illinois, May 23–26, 2024

Fresh Approaches to Teaching and Reading Kate Chopin

Chairs: Christina Bucher, Berry College and David Z. Wehner, Mount St. Mary’s University

“Zombie Chopin—What to Do with Bad Ideas and Undead Interpretations of Chopin.” John Staunton, Eastern Michigan University

“’Abysses of Solitude’ in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening: An Examination of Edna’s Final Act Through the Material Imagination of Water.” Anna Marsh, University of Alabama at Birmingham

“Teaching Chopin Through the Multi-Modal Book Review.” Quinn Moyer, Duquesne University

“Existentialism and Authenticity in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening.” Stacy Stingle, Louisiana State University


If you want to read about Kate Chopin presentations at the American Literature Association conferences and other conferences since 2005, you may want to check the details of the presentations.

If you’re looking for another conference where you could present your work, you may want to check the University of Pennsylvania site.