By the Editors of

If you’re doing research about Kate Chopin or her work, you may find this information helpful

If you need to do archival research about Kate Chopin’s work, you may want to check our Guide to Kate Chopin Archives.

If you want to know when Kate Chopin wrote each of her short stories and when and where each was first published, you can check our listing.

If you want to study works Kate Chopin wrote for young people, you can check our page on Kate Chopin’s Children’s Stories.

If you’re working on an article about Kate Chopin that you plan to submit to a scholarly journal, you may want to check our page about Best Journals for Kate Chopin Articles.

If you want to learn about the panel at the 2024 American Literature Association conference in Chicago, you can check our ALA page.

If you want to contribute to this website, you can look at our suggestions for doing that.

If you want to read about Kate Chopin presentations at the American Literature Association conferences and other conferences since 2005, you may want to check the details of the presentations.

If you’re looking for another conference where you could present your work, you may want to check the University of Pennsylvania site.

If you want to read about a Kate Chopin panel in Ireland, you can check the one hosted by the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin in 2018. The conference, organized by the Catharine Maria Sedgwick Society, dealt with areas like recovering voices of Irish-Americans, or American-Irish women and struggles of immigrant women. Among the panels at the conference was one devoted to the work of Kate Chopin. The panel was organized by Bonnie Shaker (Kent State University at Geauga), associate editor of

If you want to read about a Kate Chopin symposium on July 8, 2016, in Bremen, Germany (where Kate Chopin stopped on her honeymoon on July 8, 1870), you may want to read the details.

Listings of scholarly books, book chapters, and articles about Chopin

We seek to be comprehensive, to list useful publications about Chopin. If you’ve published something in a peer-reviewed journal we’ve missed, please tell us; we’ll be glad to add it. If a book or article we’ve listed is now available online, please send us the link and we’ll add that to the entry. You can check our lists of scholarly publications:

Updated: Books and books of essays about Kate Chopin and her work
Updated: Articles about Kate Chopin published since 2000
Articles about Kate Chopin published from 1985 through 1999
Articles about Kate Chopin published before 1985
Updated: Kate Chopin translations and scholarship into German
Kate Chopin translations and scholarship into Portuguese
Kate Chopin translations and scholarship in Spain
PhD dissertations about Kate Chopin

References to scholars’ publications in questions and answers

When a visitor to the site poses a question, we try to direct readers to scholars’ publications in our answer. If we’ve missed your work in answering a question, tell us about that? If nobody has posed an important question that your publication deals with, write to us? You can find an example of scholars’ work being referred to in a question’s answer at many places on the site.

Direct appeals to scholars over answers to readers’ questions

At times we’ve asked scholars for their opinion on a subject posed by a visitor. When we received a question about the expression “yellow nurse” in “Désirée’s Baby,” we asked Emily Toth, Tom Bonner, and Barbara C. Ewell to discuss the matter. If you would like us to call on you when a question comes up, write to us and explain the areas of Chopin’s work you are most interested in.